Southern Amp Services
Bringing back that vintage sound, one amp at a time...

What I do

  • Repair valve guitar/bass amplifiers
  • Service guitar/bass amplifiers
  • Re-valve amplifiers
  • Bias valves
  • Test valves
  • Mods to amps
  • Refurbish vintage guitar amps
  • Build a valve amp for you, from a kit or my own
  • Repair solid state guitar amps

  • I don't repair HiFi amps
  • I've stopped repairing VOX AC30 amps

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I am an electronics engineer with over 30 years experience in repair and design in the field of electronics. I very much enjoy repairing valve technology and love the sound of a valve amplifier, you just can't beat it!
Based near Brighton on the South Coast of the UK, I offer services listed above from my well equipped workshop . If you need something else then please contact me and we can discuss your requirements.

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I specialise in valve amp repairs and offer an amp build service, please see the link for more information.
I also do mods to amps like the classic Fender Silverface to Blackface mod, other mods are available too and for other amps.

Makes of amps I service and repair but not limited to: Fender, Marshall, Orange, Gibson, Laney etc…

If you live in the local area then you can expect a quick turnaround repair.